St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by the Irish and Irish at Heart in big cities and small towns alike with parades, "wearing of the green," music and songs, Irish food and drink, and activities for kids such as crafts, coloring and games. Its a time for fun. Some communities even go so far as to dye rivers or streams green! See all the Parades & Events going on around the World to celebrate St Patrick's Day March 17th 2011, or click here to find your nearest Irish Pubs!

not for the man himself! But how much do we know about him? Did you know that he spent six years of slavery in Ireland until he escaped and undertook religious training abroad?
Read more about this great man!
Happy Monther's Day !
Mother's Day originated in the early twentieth century, when a young American woman, Anna Jarvis, lost her mother and went into complete depression. Concerned that suffering, some friends had the idea of perpetuating the memory of the mother of Annie with a party. Annie wanted to be extended to honor all mothers, living or dead. Soon, the celebration and therefore Mother's Day spread by the United States and in 1914, the date
was made official by President Woodrow Wilson: May 9.
No Brasil, em 1932, o presidente Getúlio Vargas oficializou a data no segundo domingo de maio. Em 1947, Dom Jaime de Barros Câmara, Cardeal-Arcebispo do Rio de Janeiro, determinou que essa data fizesse parte também no calendário oficial da Igreja Católica.